Monday, August 3, 2009

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Put down under: 1 minister Tim @ 1:16 pm I prays for the fact that all Americans pray ask God over and regards our country on the correct way as all. One s wisdom is much too limited over these large questions. We need the wisdom of God in this country. We are assigned, from God to pray for in the authority, and we should this with sincere attention whether we agree or not. But God heard also us the auto loan Palm Beach Shores auto loan Palm Beach Shores freedom and the right to a voice to be had and. That is also a part of ours from God given responsibility. For those among you, that are motivated, around the person on the congress Obama Health Care plan, I would like to speak you some points, you think of your discussion or by email or letter can you

right. These became common by Gary

farmer president of the American values and the Obama administration hopeful on "clunker" extension - Reuters family Research Council. I hope, her Obama administration hopeful on "clunker" extension - Reuters help you! 1. ABORTION pro Choice groups, like NARAL and Planned Parenthood, require that the abortion in each health reform calculation. Recently in an interview with political, Laurie Rubiner, Vice President for the public policy and protection of interests in Planned Parenthood, defends this demand with the words, the alternative would be shortening advantages for millions of women, who at present reject key administration auto loan Palm Beach Shores beyond that from [private] cover for abortions to retain from abortion. To the question, to auto loan Palm Beach Shores Fox News Sunday, whether taxpayer money would go, around costs of abortions, White House director of budget Peter Orszag answered, I

is not ready to say expressly that straight now. That is naturally a disputed topic, and it s one of the

questions, plays in this debate. Pro Life senators in the senate the health, education, work and White House Flags Jobs, Deficit Concerns - Wall Street Journal old-age pension in a forced manner to say a namentliche vote about the question, if senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) tries, in White House Flags Jobs, Deficit Concerns - Wall Street Journal order a change health calculation, those, with their words also Mrs., health hospitals, the comprehensive services as medically necessary or appropriate. It granted that these hospitals became Planned Parenthood. To forbid, the financing of the abortion 11-zu-12 lost the pro Life change. Inquiry for your congressional representative: auto loan Palm Beach Shores Will it against each reform of the health service calculation to pay my tax dollar to abortions?

2. Mercy killing in one recently in New York Post column, Betsy McCaughey, a former auto loan Palm Beach Shores lieutenant Governor of New York and health care expert wrote: , To a consultation meeting forces upon

seniors to disturbing determination of the house law every five years (and more frequently, if they become ill or in a nursing home) over Gates jokes: I offered to help officer's kids get into Harvard - CNN alternatives for the end OF Life Care (house Bill, P. 425-430). The meetings for very sensitive questions as whether on antibiotics and the employment of artificial nutrition and liquid supply administers. This mandate asks abuse and seniors could Facility Would Contain Courtrooms, House Some Guantanamo Prisoners - Washington Post pushed refuse care. Inquiry for your congressional representative: Do you become against each reform of the health service calculation that in any way promotes

the mercy killing? 3. COST auto loan Palm Beach Shores the United States before a debt crisis. According to opinion of many analysts, under it a senator Judd Gregg (those is like that, those from president Obama that he Gregg the office of the Secretary OF Commerce), the Obama household becomes us $ 11 trillion of debts

at the end auto loan Palm Beach Shores of the five years and $ 17 trillion of debts at the end of ten years. (Source: congressional representative for your question: Africa: Clinton Visits Seven Countries to Highlight Africa as ... - Why are the congress and president float over health calculation, the costs another trillions dollar in the next ten years? Shouldn t we concentrate on around the debts under control first? 4. Rationing of the care after 15 July to a report of The Hill, which would

be house calculation from approximately 500 billion dollar in Dem candidates tie opponents to Bush - United Press International Medicare and Medicaid shortening these shortening became like millions of Americans are auto loan Palm Beach Shores retirement. Logic puts near that, if we had hundreds of billions of dollar in the health service are limited or in somehow ration around more humans. And seniors become strongest by Medicare shortening. Beyond that, advisors of president Obama,

like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of the White House Chief OF Staff cream Emanuel, suggested that in the health service should rationed, around certain persons. Dr. Emanuel wrote auto loan Palm Beach Shores once that the services for persons, auto loan Palm Beach Shores who are irreversibly prevented or participating citizens should not and citizens guarantee themselves. A clear example is not the guarantee of the health of the patients with

dementia. (Source: http:www.ncpa.orgpdfsWhere_Civic_Republicanism_and_Deliberative_Democracy_Meet.pdf) congressional representative for your question: How the government promise, can more to do with less? Do you become against each reform of the health service calculation that in any way my borders entrance to health care and medicines recommended of my physician? 5. auto loan Palm Beach Shores Turbulence slams Continental jet, at least 26 hurt - Houston Chronicle Further loads for the KMU defiance of a 9.5% (tendency rising) unemployment ratio, those in the health service calculation in the house new 8% place to the wage tax for small

enterprises with Lohn-und pay rolls of $ 400,000 or more that Don t the health insurance for the coworkers. This is additional to the present 15% of the wage tax. That means that each employer with total wages of $ 400,000 US Dollar or more becomes to pay auto loan Palm Beach Shores

Turbulence slams Continental jet, at least 26 hurt - The Associated Press to have to rent at least 25% over the content only someone. The healthy human understanding says that you all fight small enterprises become to probably dismiss to employees avoid, this additional tax. On the other side, if the tax is more cheaply than the costs of the health insurance, larger enterprises, can itself their health insurance quit, so that coworker in the government carries public Obama health care battle to be waged during congressional 'recess' - USA Today possibility, simply and the 8% in order. (Source: Wall Street Journal, 15 July auto loan Palm Beach Shores 2009) for her

inquiry congressional representative: Why are you additional orders and the taxes for small enterprises, the overwhelming majority of the new jobs, in the center of a heavy recession? 6. QUALITY CARE American health service

is better than in the European countries with socialized medicine. The German cancer of the breast mortality is 52% more highly than auto loan Palm Beach Shores in the United States. Prostata cancer number of deaths is 604% more highly in the united kingdom and 457% more Obama health care battle to be waged during congressional 'recess' - USA Today highly than in Norway in the United States. Canadian health service behind the United States too. Canadian patient twice as for a long time waits, in order to see, a specialist for H�ft operations or cancer as we in the United States. Most Americans say, Obama's promises are a work in progress - it are contently with the US health system, but more than 70% of the Germans,

Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and the British say that their systems must fundamental changes or additions reconstruction. (Source:

National auto loan Palm Beach Shores centers for Policy analysis.) In a Editorial on 26 July, & amp; quot; Washington Post& amp; quot; did not criticize president Obama leveling over the consequences of the change, if it around the costs of the medical supply versus auto loan Palm Beach Shores quality. Here s, which wrote the post office: The Congressional budget Office assumes new technologies for approximately half of increased costs in the health service in the last decades. This, in most cases, is a good thing. Settled around the Gates jokes: I offered to help officer's kids get into Harvard - CNN inflation, expenditures for health per person six times, which it was before 40 years. But no humans became today with 1960er-Stil medicine. Congressional representative for Obama eyes moving Guantanamo prisoners to lockup in Michigan - New York Daily News your question: Why are

you try, us

toward of more participation of the government in the health care, if everywhere the government run health service became tried, those quality sinks and support is rationed? 7. Humans are ignore sound of a current inquiry, only 23% the voter believe, health reform legislation lower costs, while auto loan Palm Beach Shores 53% believe, it to the fact will lead that expensive care. With a margin of 50% to 23%, which auto loan Palm Beach Shores voters believe that the reform legislation becomes the quality of the care back. And during the voters believe that they worsen supply to higher costs, 78% believe also that the reform of the health service becomes in the center of the class taxes. Beyond that, an Fox newsinquiry resulted in that 91% of the asked ones have the health insurance, Purple Heart Recipient Drowns in South Carolina Lake

- FOXNews 84% indicated that either well and well

and Dem candidates tie opponents to Bush - United Press International 83% said the quality of their health insurance, the quality of the health care receive it from their private insurance either well or distinguished. And only 12% of the asked ones said health reform were the most important question congress to work should now on the right side. (Source: Rasmussen of report, 28 July 2009 and Fox News inquiry 23 July 2009.) Congressional representative for your question: Why are you and auto loan Palm Beach Shores the white auto loan Palm Beach Shores house rush this law by the congress to ignore and the concerns the American people? 8. LOSS of the FREEDOM the health reform legislation with consideration that house becomes finally Kraft all Americans in one of the government approved plan. After, over the government,

and force all political changes - change CO-paid, selfkept or even change cover for this or that medicine - assigned five-yearly novelty close time, each new

insurance invalid your past reporting and you Obama Turbulence slams Continental jet, at least 26 hurt - Houston Chronicle to Outline Benefits of New GI Bill - NBC Connecticut to selecting you a qualified plan of the government. Beyond that, the house plan of mandates cover for

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